Laura Dawn Hunter (Meglin) - Online Memorial Website

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Laura Hunter (Meglin)
Born in Illinois
39 years
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Mary Ballantyne (Aunt) Laura, you would be so proud & happy September 13, 2007

I know that you are looking down upon all of us and guiding us with LOVE! Your sister Mary loves so well that your sons are feeling the love from all of us. Your Mom is doing all that she can and more to make sure your sons will continue to live their lives as you would have hoped. Can it really be over 2 weeks since you left us? It seems so much longer to all of us. We miss you and will not forget.

DI Gordon A Beautiful and A Sure Hope September 13, 2007

May I offer you my sincere condolences to you during your time of grief. So very sorry for the sadness you are going through. Laura was a large part in many lives and touch many hearts as well. I see Laura has left happy memories and her love with you to cherish.
I felt impelled to share with you words of comfort and encouragement shared with me when I lost my son and it continues to comfort and encourage me. For example in Revelation 21:4 it reads, "And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be any more. The former things have passed away." ...Now death has never occurred in heaven so this promise is for the earth. Can you imagine death itself "have passed away"! Verse 5 continues "And the One seated on the throne said: Look! I am making all things new." Also, he says "Write, because these words are faithful and true." What an assurance! It surely gives us the expectation of a bright and beautiful future when we will be with our loved ones again. That is why Psalm 37:29 reads, "The righteous themselves will possess the earth, and they will reside FOREVER upon it." This is also why Jesus said in John 5:28, "Do not marvel at this, the hour is coming when all those in their memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out." Is this not what Jesus did for his friend Lazarus (John 11:43) after being laid to rest four day earlier. It is a beautiful account Jesus tells in John Chapter 11 of what he will do for all for all our precious sleeping ones. What an absolute thrill to look forward to seeing Laura again running to greet you with outstretched arms! There is a free brochure you can acquire named 'When Someone You Love Dies' that is a great help both in practical and spiritual ways. It explains how to deal with your grief and how to help others as well. You will have comfort and a sure hope from this brochure as I have. It is free from any one of Jehovah's Witnesses you may come in contact with or call a local Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses to make your request. May God's comfort, peace and holy spirit be with you all.

Frederick Osborne (Uncle) To my first niece... September 13, 2007

I remember the first time I saw you in your crib, I said "Aw Baby" my first Niece! I was so proud to have the honor of being your Uncle! I just wanted to let you know I'll alway be PROUD to be called Unlce by your children! I have visited this website that your bother Jim has made in your rememberance every day since it was constructed but it doesn't hold a candle to the person you were. Little is know to the rest of the family of what you went through and the hardships you endurred. But you over came them and still had a smile to share even though you felt like crying. You made a home for your children and gave an example to live by for your children. Your sister Mary and your Mom will do the best for your kids just by thinking of what you would have done. You brought all of us in the family closer with your passing. You'll never be forgoten !!!

With love,
Your Uncle Rick

Nancy Carle (Friend) Co-worker and friend. September 13, 2007

I am so sorry for your loss. Laura was a good person. She was friendly and fun, and had a memorable smile. You both will be in my prayers. May God Bless You

Donna Cole (Friend/Coworker) Lucy and Family September 13, 2007

My deepest thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.
Her family was everything to her and she also took the time to help with mine.It's hard to express in words,what my heart feels. May God Bless and Keep you.

Ashley Your in my thoughts and Prayers September 13, 2007

I was just passing by.. Every moment of everyday, your in my thoughts and prayers. Im sorry for your loss. Laura is in a wonderful place. Many blessings to your family. -Ashley

Debbie Reyes Laura Surrounded by Family and Love September 13, 2007

(Laura's brother Andrew's mother-in-law)

I am so sorry for all of the family and loved ones having to endure the tragic loss of your dear Laura. I know that Andrew always looked forward to the day ALL of his siblings and family would be able to get together. These are the saddest and most tragic of circumstances, but the outpouring of love and affection for Laura and for one another in support amongst the family and friends is truly amazing. This website is such a beautiful tribute. My heart, thoughts and prayers are with all of you.

Deb Hess (Meadows Counselor) For Zach September 13, 2007

I am so sorry to here about the loss of your mom. I remember meeting her at enrollment last year. She was very concerned about you adjusting to a new school. She loved you very much and just wanted only the best for you. You gave her your best!

You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Ms. Hess and Cooper

Darcie Wooge -Aaron's teacher with sadness September 13, 2007

Aaron and Zach-
Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time. I can not begin to imagine the heart break and loss you are feeling. Please know that there are a lot of people out there that want to help you get through this and to help you remember your mom the way she should be remembered. You mom was a great woman and she thought the world of her boys. In the short time that I had to know your mom thru school, I feel lucky. The amount of love and care that she put into your educations and getting involved in your schoolwork was amazing and a testimony to the love she had for you. Hold tight to the memories you have of her and never forget the love she had for you. May God bless you and keep you in your time of need.
Ms. Wooge

Melissa Eiler So Very Sorry for Your Loss September 13, 2007

(Visitor~Daughter of Irwin & Renee Eiler)


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