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Laura Hunter (Meglin)
Né àIllinois
39 years
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L'arbre Généalogique
Andrea Weiher (sister-in-law)
7/23/07: We love and miss you very much. My only regret is we didn't see you enough. I hope you have found peace.
Heather H.
7/23/07: To my big sister-I will miss you and will think of you always. The only comfort I have is knowing you are now at peace.
Barbara~mom to Michael Butler
Goodnight Laura,Your site is beautiful,keep your mom and family close and send them extra HUGS.Keeping u in my prayers.
Laura, You are missed more than you could ever imagine. 7/19 was our own personal 9/11. We love you and will never forget you.
Kayla Outlaw, B.J.'s sister
^Å^ Laura you precious angel, you are so missed and loved very much. a tear fell from many eyes the day you left ♥
Jane,mom to Scott Matthew Hill
Goodnight sweet Laura, may you always know that you are loved & missed beyond eternity."
Tammy~Mom Of Angelica Hatchell
Beautiful Laura, I am sending you love, hugs and kisses. Shine down on your loving family and give then many Angel kisses.
Jane,mom to Scott Matthew Hill
Laura, sweet angel, now you have two memory sites... and they're beautiful. Sending you love & prayers for your happiness.
Lucy-Mom to this Angel
Laura, It's 7 wks today since you became an angel. How can it be? I have lived and breathed for 35 days w/o you. I miss you so
Tanya~Mommy To Angel Naudya Jo
What a beautiful site for a beautiful angel. God Bless, Hold my baby girl for me and give her extra hugs and kisses.
Barbara~Mom to Michael Butler
Laura,Your site is beautful,send your family Angel Hugs and Kisses tonight.You are so loved and missed.
Lynda ~ Mommy to Garion Hight
Dearest Laura, I love your new site! Your special song has me in tears. You are so loved and missed by your amazing family xxxooo
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