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10/27/2007 Lisa - Sis to Frank Rambone
Laura, stopping by tonight lighting a candle for you. Keeping you and your family in my thoughts & prayers. Hugs to you!
10/27/2007 Mommy
Laura, I'm so sorry that I have neglected to light candles for you lately. But, you know I love and miss you more than ever.
10/27/2007 Dessa Smith
This prayer is sent with love to deep for words to express God grant eternal rest to our loved one’s Joseph’s mom
10/24/2007 Heather
I miss you very much sis. I love you!
10/22/2007 Cindy~B.J.,Wayne & Bucks Mama
One day closer to being with our children again. Oh I can't wait! Sending you hugs.
10/21/2007 Barbara~Mom to Michael Butler
Goodnight sweet Laura you will forever be in my heart and prayers.Keep your family close and send them lots of hugs and kisses.
10/19/2007 Lynda ~ Mommy to Garion Hight
Laura, you and your family have been on my mind. Sending you all lots of HUGS!
10/19/2007 Tonya~Mommy to Jaydon & Jordan
I carry your sweet memory in my heart always. Sending many hugs and kisses....XOXOXOXOXO
10/16/2007 Cindy~B.J.,Wayne & Bucks Mama
Laura, you're in my heart and on my mind. Sending hugs to your Mom.
10/15/2007 Tonya~Mommy to Jaydon & Jordan
Sweet Laura, shine down on your family. I carry your memory forever in my heart. I am sending many gentle hugs. XOXOXOXO
10/14/2007 Bonnie...Angel Bubba's Mom
Good-nite Angel Laura, U R loved and thought of.Sending my love and prayers.Stay close to Mom,sending U both HUGS,we love you
10/14/2007 Lynda ~ Mommy to Garion Hight
Laura, sending you and your family lots of gentle hugs. Shine down brightly on your Mom and help her with her pain. Love ya!
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